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Last updated June 30, 2020.
Acadia Valley | Caroline | Falher | Irma | Myrnam | Smoky Lake | Widewater |
Acme | Carstairs | Faust | Iron Springs | Namao | Spirit River | Wildwood |
Airdrie | Castor | Ferintosh | Irricana | Nampa | Spruce Grove | Willingdon |
Alberta Beach | Cayley | Foremost | Irvine | Nanton | Spruce View | Winfield |
Alder Flats | Cereal | Forestburg | Islay | New Dayton | St Albert | Woking |
Alix | Champion | Fort Chipewyan | Jasper | New Norway | St Michael | Worsley |
Alliance | Chauvin | Fort MacKay | Jean d'Or Prairie | New Sarepta | St Paul | Wrentham |
Altario | Chipewyan Lake | Fort MacLeod | Joussard | Newbrook | Stand Off | Youngstown |
Andrew | Chipman | Fort McMurray | Kananaskis | Nisku | Standard | Zama |
Anzac | Clairmont | Fort Saskatchewan | Keephills | Nobleford | Stavely | |
Ardrossan | Claresholm | Fort Vermilion | Keg River | Nordegg | Stettler | |
Arrowwood | Clive | Fox Creek | Killam | Okotoks | Stirling | |
Ashmont | Coaldale | Fox Lake | Kinuso | Olds | Stony Plain | |
Assumption | Cochrane | Gadsby | Kitscoty | Onoway | Strathmore | |
Athabasca | Cold Lake | Galahad | La Crete | Oyen | Strome | |
Banff | Conklin | Gibbons | Lac La Biche | Paradise Valley | Sunchild O'Chiese | |
Barons | Consort | Gift Lake | Lacombe | Peace River | Sundre | |
Bashaw | Coronation | Girouxville | Lake Louise | Peerless Lake | Sylvan Lake | |
Bawlf | Coutts | Gleichen | Lamont | Penhold | Taber | |
Bear Canyon | Cowley | Glendon | Langdon | Picture Butte | Thorhild | |
Beaumont | Craigmyle | Glenwood | Lavoy | Pincher Creek | Thorsby | |
Beaverlodge | Cremona | Grand Centre | Leduc | Plamondon | Three Hills | |
Beiseker | Crossfield | Grande Cache | Legal | Ponoka | Tofield | |
Bentley | Crowsnest Pass | Grande Prairie | Leslieville | Provost | Tomahawk | |
Berwyn | Czar | Granum | Lethbridge | Radway | Torrington | |
Big Valley | Daysland | Grassland | Little Buffalo Lake | Rainbow Lake | Trochu | |
Blackfalds | Debolt | Grassy Lake | Lloydminster | Ralston | Turner Valley | |
Blackie | Delburne | Grimshaw | Lodgepole | Raymond | Two Hills | |
Bon Accord | Delia | Grouard | Lomond | Red Deer | Valleyview | |
Bonanza | Derwent | Hairy Hill | Longview | Red Earth | Vauxhall | |
Bonnyville | Devon | Halkirk | Lougheed | Redwater | Vegreville | |
Bow Island | Didsbury | Hanna | Magrath | Rimbey | Vermilion | |
Bowden | Dixonville | Hardisty | Ma-Me-O Beach | Rocky Mountain House | Veteran | |
Boyle | Donalda | Hay Lakes | Manning | Rockyford | Viking | |
Bragg Creek | Donnelly | Hays | Mannville | Rosalind | Vilna | |
Breton | Drayton Valley | Heinsburg | Manyberries | Rosebud | Vulcan | |
Brocket | Drumheller | Heisler | Marwayne | Rumsey | Wabamun | |
Brownvale | Eaglesham | High Level | McLennan | Rycroft | Wabasca | |
Bruderheim | East Coulee | High Prairie | Meander River | Ryley | Wainwright | |
Burdett | Eckville | High River | Medicine Hat | Saskatchewan River Crossing | Walsh | |
Byemoor | Edgerton | Hilda | Milk River | Schuler | Wandering River | |
Cadomin | Edmonton | Hines Creek | Millet | Seba Beach | Wanham | |
Calgary | Elk Point | Hinton | Milo | Sedgewick | Warburg | |
Calling Lake | Elkwater | Hobbema | Minburn | Seven Persons | Warner | |
Calmar | Elnora | Holden | Mirror | Sexsmith | Warspite | |
Camrose | Enchant | Hughenden | Morinville | Sherwood Park | Waskatenau | |
Canmore | Etzikom | Hussar | Morley | Sibbald | Waterton Park | |
Carbon | Evansburg | Hythe | Morrin | Silver Valley | Wembley | |
Cardston | Exshaw | Innisfail | Mulhurst | Slave Lake | Wetaskiwin | |
Carmangay | Fairview | Innisfree | Mundare | Smith | Whitelaw |
British Columbia
100 Mile House | Dallas | Hixon | Nimpo Lake | Sayward | Woss Lake |
108 Mile House | D'Arcy | Holberg | North Kamloops | Shalalth | Wynndel |
70 Mile House | Dawson Creek | Hope | North Nelson | Skookumchuck | Yahk |
Abbotsford | Decker Lake | Horsefly | North Vancouver | Smithers | Yale |
Agassiz | Donald | Houston | Ocean Falls | Sointula | Yarrow |
Aiyansh | Douglas Lake | Hudsons Hope | Okanagan Falls | Sooke | Zeballos |
Aldergrove | Dragon Lake | Invermere | Okanagan Mission | South Kamloops | |
Alert Bay | Duncan Lake | Jaffray | Oliver | South Slocan | |
Alkali Lake | Duncan | Jordan River | Osoyoos | Sparwood | |
Armstrong | Dunster | Kaslo | Oyama | Spences Bridge | |
Ashcroft | East Pine | Kelowna | Oyster Bay | Spillimacheen | |
Aspen Park | Elkford | Keremeos | Parksville | Squamish | |
Avola | Elko | Kimberley | Parson | Stewart | |
Balfour | Enderby | Kincolith | Peachland | Summerland | |
Barriere | Fairmont Hot Springs | Kitimat | Pemberton | Summit Lake | |
Bear Lake | Falkland | Kitsault | Pender Island | Tachie | |
Beaver Valley | Fauquier | Kitwanga | Penticton | Tahsis | |
Beaverdell | Fernie | Klemtu | Pineview | Tatla Lake | |
Bella Bella | Field | Kyuquot | Pitt Meadows | Taylor | |
Bella Coola | Flatrock | Lac La Hache | Port Alice | Telkwa | |
Blue River | Forest Grove | Ladner | Port Coquitlam | Terrace | |
Boston Bar | Fort Fraser | Ladysmith | Port Edward | Thrums | |
Boswell | Fort Langley | Lakelse | Port Hardy | Topley | |
Bouchie Lake | Fort St James | Lakeview Heights | Port McNeill | Trout Lake | |
Bowen Island | Fort St John | Langley | Port Moody | Tsay Keh Dene | |
Bowser | Francois Lake | Lantzville | Port Renfrew | Tumbler Ridge | |
Bridge Lake | Fraser Lake | Lasqueti Island | Port Simpson | Union Bay | |
Britannia Beach | Fulford Harbour | Likely | Pouce Coupe | Valemount | |
Burns Lake | Gabriola Island | Lillooet | Prespatou | Vancouver | |
Cache Creek | Ganges | Little Fort | Prince George | Vanderhoof | |
Campbell River | Giscome | Logan Lake | Princeton | Vanway | |
Canal Flats | Gold Bridge | Lumby | Pritchard | Vavenby | |
Cedar | Gold River | Lytton | Puntzi | Vernon | |
Chemainus | Golden | Mackenzie | Quadra Island | Victoria | |
Chetwynd | Grand Forks | Manning Park | Qualicum | Wellington | |
Chief Lake | Granisle | McBride | Quesnel | Wells | |
Chilako | Grasmere | McLeese Lake | Radium Hot Springs | West Vancouver | |
Chilliwack | Grassy Plains | McLeod Lake | Red Rock | Westbank | |
Christina Lake | Greenville | Merritt | Richmond | Westsyde | |
Clearwater | Greenwood | Midway | Riondel | Westwold | |
Clinton | Gulf Islands | Mission | Riske Creek | Whalley | |
Cloverdale | Hagensborg | Montney | Rock Creek | Whistler | |
Cluculz Lake | Haney | Moyie | Rolla | White Rock | |
Cobble Hill | Hansard | Nakusp | Rosedale | Whonnock | |
Comox | Hartley Bay | Nanaimo | Rutland | Wildwood | |
Cortes Island | Hartway | Nanoose | Saanich | Williams Lake | |
Courtenay | Hazelton | Naramata | Salmon Arm | Willow Point | |
Cranbrook | Hedley | Nelson | Salmon Valley | Willowbrook | |
Crawford Bay | Hemlock Valley | New Westminster | Sardis | Winfield | |
Creston | Hendrix Lake | Newton | Savona | Winter Harbour | |
Cumberland |
Amaranth | Holland | Portage la Prairie | Starbuck |
Anola | Langruth | Rathwell | Stephenfield |
Austin | Macdonald | Roland | Stonewall |
Crystal City | MacGregor | Sanford | Swan Lake |
Dugald | Miami | Sidney | Treherne |
Edwin | Notre Dame de Lourdes | Somerset | Winnipeg |
Elie | Oakbank | Southport | |
Elm Creek | Oakville | Sperling | |
Gladstone | Pilot Mound | St Claude | |
Hazelridge | Poplar Point | St Francois Xavier |
New Brunswick
Albert |
Alma |
Bathurst |
Edmundston |
Fredericton |
Hillsborough |
Miramichi |
Moncton |
Port Elgin |
Saint John |
St Albans |
St John's |
Northwest Territories
Behchoko |
Inuvik |
Tuktoyaktuk |
Yellowknife |
Nova Scotia
Advocate | Ecum Secum | Mahone Bay | Prospect Road | Upper Musquodoboit |
Amherst | Elmsdale | Maitland | Pugwash | Upper Stewiacke |
Bass River | French Village | Mill Village | River Hebert | Wallace |
Blandford | Great Village | Mount Uniacke | Riverport | Walton |
Bridgewater | Halifax | Musquodoboit Harbour | Sackville | Waverley |
Brookfield | Hantsport | Musquodoboit | Sheet Harbour | Wentworth |
Brooklyn | Hubbards | New Germany | Shubenacadie | Windsor |
Caledonia | Kennetcook | New Glasgow | Southampton | Wolfville |
Chelsea | Kentville | New Ross | Springfield | Yarmouth |
Chester | Ketch Harbour | Noel | Springhill | |
Cheverie | La Have | Oxford | St Margarets | |
Chezzetcook | Lake Charlotte | Parrsboro | Stewiacke | |
Clarksville | Liverpool | Port Dufferin | Sydney | |
Collingwood | Lunenburg | Port Greville | Tangier | |
Debert | Maccan | Port Mouton | Truro |
Iqaluit |
Acton | Capreol | Fort Erie | Linwood | Orono | Spanish | Whitby |
Adolphustown | Carleton Place | Fort Frances | Little Current | Osgoode | St Catharines-Thorold | Whitefish Falls |
Ailsa Craig | Carp | Freelton | Lively | Oshawa | St Charles | Whitefish |
Ajax-Pickering | Cartier | Galt | London | Ottawa | St Clements | Winchester |
Alban | Casselman | Gananoque | Lucan | Owen Sound | St Jacobs | Windsor |
Alfred | Castlemore | Garson | Maidstone | Pakenham | Stayner | Winona |
Alliston | Cayuga | Georgetown | Malton | Palgrave | Stevensville | Wolfe Island |
Almonte | Centralia | Glencoe | Manotick | Parkhill | Stoney Creek | Woodbridge |
Alvinston | Chapleau | Gloucester | Maple | Parry Sound | Stoney Point | Woodslee |
Amherstburg | Chatham | Gogama | Marathon | Pefferlaw | Stouffville | Woodstock |
Ancaster | Chelmsford | Gormley | Markham | Pelee Island | Stratford | Wyoming |
Arnprior | Chesterville | Grimsby | Markstay | Pelham | Strathroy | Yarker |
Atikokan | Christian Island | Guelph | Massey | Pembroke | Streetsville | |
Aurora | Claremont | Hagersville | McGregor | Penetanguishene | Stroud | |
Ayr | Clarence Creek | Haileybury | Melbourne | Peterborough | Sturgeon Falls | |
Azilda | Clarkson | Haliburton | Merlin | Petrolia | Sudbury | |
Baden | Clinton | Hamilton | Merrickville | Plantagenet | Sultan | |
Barrie | Cobourg | Hampton | Metcalfe | Plattsville | Sutton | |
Bath | Collingwood | Hanmer | Midland | Pleasant Park | Sydenham | |
Beamsville | Comber | Harrietsville | Milton | Port Colborne | Tamworth | |
Beeton | Coniston | Harrow | Missanabie | Port Credit | Tecumseh | |
Belle River | Constance Bay | Harrowsmith | Moonstone | Port Lambton | Thamesville | |
Belleville | Cookstown | Hawk Junction | Mount Albert | Port McNicoll | Thorndale | |
Belmont | Cooksville | Hawkesbury | Mount Brydges | Port Perry | Thornhill | |
Bethesda | Cornwall | Hespeler | Mount Hope | Port Robinson | Thunder Bay | |
Binbrook | Corunna | Highgate | Nairn | Preston | Tilbury | |
Biscotasing | Courtright | Hudson | Napanee | Queensville | Timmins | |
Blackstock | Crediton | Huntsville | Navan | Ramsay | Toronto | |
Blenheim | Creemore | Ilderton | New Dundee | Richmond Hill | Tottenham | |
Blezard Valley | Crysler | Inverary | New Hamburg | Richmond | Udora | |
Bluewater Beach | Cumberland | Jockvale | Newburgh | Ridgetown | Unionville | |
Bolton | Deseronto | Kanata-Stittsville | Newcastle | Ridgeway | Uxbridge | |
Borden-Angus | Dorchester | Kapuskasing | Newmarket | Rockland | Verona | |
Bothwell | Drayton | Kemptville | Newtonville | Rockwood | Victoria | |
Bourget | Dresden | Kerwood | Niagara Falls | Russell | Vineland | |
Bowmanville | Dubreuilville | Keswick | Niagara-on-the-Lake | Sarnia | Wainfleet | |
Bracebridge | Dundas | Killarney | Nipigon | Sault Ste Marie | Wallaceburg | |
Bradford | Dunnville | King City | Nobleton | Schomberg | Wardsville | |
Brampton | Durham | Kingston | Noelville | Sebright | Warren | |
Brantford | Elliot Lake | Kingsville | North Bay | Seeleys Bay | Wasaga Beach | |
Brechin | Elmira | Kirkland Lake | North Gower | Selby | Waterdown | |
Breslau | Elmvale | Kitchener-Waterloo | Oak Ridges | Selkirk | Watford | |
Brigden | Embrun | Kleinburg | Oakville | Severn Bridge | Waubaushene | |
Bright's Grove | Emeryville | La Salle | Oba | Silver Water | Wawa | |
Brockville | Enterprise | Lafontaine | Odessa | Smiths Falls | Welland | |
Brooklin | Espanola | Lambeth | Oil Springs | Snelgrove | Wellandport | |
Burlington | Essex | Leamington | Orangeville | Sombra | Wellesley | |
Caledon East | Estaire | Lefroy | Orillia | South Mountain | West Lincoln | |
Caledonia | Exeter | Levack | Orleans | South Pickering | Westree | |
Campbellville | Fisherville | Lindsay | Oro | South Porcupine | Wheatley |
Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown |
Alma | East Angus | Laval-Est | Saint-Adolphe-de-Dudswell | Saint-Honoré (Chicoutimi) | Thurso |
Anse-Saint-Jean | East Hereford | Laval-Ouest | Saint-Alphonse-de-Rodriguez | Saint-Hyacinthe | Trois-Rivières |
Asbestos | Eastman | L'Avenir | Saint-Ambroise | Saint-Jacques | Valcartier |
Aylmer | Ferland | Les Cèdres | Saint-Barthélemy | Saint-Jean-de-l'Île-d'Orléans | Val-d'Or |
Beloeil | Fort-Coulonge | Lévis | Saint-Bruno | Saint-Jean-de-Matha | Valleyfield |
Bishopton | Fortierville | Longueuil | Saint-Césaire | Saint-Jérôme | Varennes |
Boischâtel | Franklin Centre | Loretteville | Saint-Clet | Saint-Jovite | Vaudreuil |
Boucherville | Frelighsburg | Louiseville | Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts | Saint-Lambert | Verchères |
Bouchette | Gatineau | Low | Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré | Saint-Malo | Victoriaville |
Bromont | Gracefield | Luskville | Sainte-Brigitte-de-Laval | Saint-Marc | Wakefield |
Bromptonville | Granby | Magog | Sainte-Catherine | Saint-Michel-des-Saints | Waterloo |
Buckingham | Grand-Remous | Maniwaki | Sainte-Geneviève | Saint-Nicolas | Weedon |
Bury | Hudson | Mansonville | Sainte-Julie-de-Verchères | Saint-Paul-d'Abbotsford | Wickham |
Chambly | Hull | Marieville | Sainte-Julienne | Saint-Pierre-de-Wakefield | Windsor |
Champlain | Huntingdon | Maskinongé | Sainte-Justine-de-Newton | Saint-Pierre-les-Becquets | Wotton |
Chapeau | Île-Perrot | Montebello | Sainte-Marthe | Saint-Polycarpe | Yamachiche |
Charny | Joliette | Montréal | Sainte-Monique-de-Nicolet | Saint-Sauveur | |
Chartierville | Jonquière | Notre-Dame-des-Laurentides | Sainte-Pétronille | Saint-Sébastien-de-Frontenac | |
Chelsea | Kazabazua | Ormstown | Sainte-Rose | Saint-Tite-des-Caps | |
Chicoutimi | Knowlton | Papineauville | Sainte-Rose-du-Nord | Saint-Vincent-de-Paul | |
Chomedey | Kuujjuaq | Perkins | Sainte-Sophie-de-Lévrard | Saint-Zénon | |
Cookshire | La Baie | Pointe-Claire | Sainte-Thérèse | Sawyerville | |
Coteau-du-Lac | La Patrie | Pont-Viau | Saint-Eustache | Scotstown | |
Coteau-Landing | Lac-Drolet | Québec | Saint-Félix-de-Kingsey | Shawinigan | |
Cowansville | Lachine | Quyon | Saint-Félix-de-Valois | Sherbrooke | |
Danville | Lachute | Richmond | Saint-Ferréol-les-Neiges | South Durham | |
Deauville | Lac-Mégantic | Rigaud | Saint-Fulgence | Stoke | |
Deschaillons | Lanoraie | Rivière-Beaudette | Saint-Gabriel-de-Brandon | Stoneham | |
Drummondville | Laprairie | Rivière-du-Loup | Saint-Germain-de-Grantham | Sutton | |
Dunham | Laterrière | Roxboro | Saint-Guillaume | Thetford Mines |
Aberdeen | Craik | Hanley | Moosomin | Rosthern |
Allan | Cudworth | Hepburn | Nokomis | Rouleau |
Alvena | Cupar | Holdfast | Odessa | Saskatoon |
Asquith | Dalmeny | Imperial | Osler | Semans |
Avonlea | Davidson | Indian Head | Outlook | Southey |
Balcarres | Delisle | Kipling | Pense | Strasbourg |
Balgonie | Dinsmore | Langham | Perdue | Vonda |
Beechy | Duck Lake | Lanigan | Prudhomme | Wakaw |
Bethune | Dundurn | Lemberg | Punnichy | Waldheim |
Biggar | Earl Grey | Lucky Lake | Qu'Appelle | Watrous |
Blaine Lake | Fort Qu'Appelle | Lumsden | Radisson | Wawota |
Borden | Francis | Maryfield | Raymore | Whitewood |
Broadview | Grenfell | Meacham | Regina Beach | Wilcox |
Bruno | Hafford | Milestone | Regina | Wolseley |
Colonsay | Hague | Montmartre | Riceton |
Yukon Territories
Dawson City |
Whitehorse |