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Spy is a call-monitoring function that lets you enter an existing phone call and listen passively without interrupting the ongoing call. Spy is one of three possible management features (see Barge and Whisper for the others).

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
spy (verb)
transitive verb
to watch secretly usually for hostile purposes
to catch sight of - see
intransitive verb
to search or look for intensively - usually used with out spy out places fit for vending … goods S. E. Morison
to observe or search for something - look
to watch secretly as a spy
spy (noun)
one that spies
a) one who keeps secret watch on a person or thing to obtain information
b) a person employed by one nation to secretly convey classified information of strategic importance to another nation , also a person who conveys the trade secrets of one company to another
an act of spying
Spy (Wikipedia)

Espionage or spying is the act of obtaining secret or confidential information or divulging of the same without the permission of the holder of the information. A person who commits espionage is called an espionage agent or spy. Spies help agencies uncover secret information. Any individual or spy ring (a cooperating group of spies), in the service of a government, company or independent operation, can commit espionage. The practice is clandestine, as it is by definition unwelcome. In some circumstances it may be a legal tool of law enforcement and in others it may be illegal and punishable by law. Espionage is a method of gathering which includes information gathering from non-disclosed sources.

Espionage is often part of an institutional effort by a government or commercial concern. However, the term tends to be associated with state spying on potential or actual enemies for military purposes. Spying involving corporations is known as industrial espionage.

One of the most effective ways to gather data and information about a targeted organization is by infiltrating its ranks. This is the job of the spy (espionage agent). Spies can then return information such as the size and strength of enemy forces. They can also find dissidents within the organization and influence them to provide further information or to defect. In times of crisis, spies steal technology and sabotage the enemy in various ways. Counterintelligence is the practice of thwarting enemy espionage and intelligence-gathering. Almost all nations have strict laws concerning espionage and the penalty for being caught is often severe. However, the benefits gained through espionage are often so great that most governments and many large corporations make use of it.[citation needed]

Information collection techniques used in the conduct of clandestine human intelligence include operational techniques, asset recruiting, and tradecraft.

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