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Unified Messaging is a business solution that combines electronic messaging technologies on one easy to use interface. Unified messaging is often used interchangeably with Unified Communications. Although unified messaging is usually a feature offered in a broader Unified Communications system. UC systems integrate email, fax, team chat, phone calls in one place.

Zulu by Sangoma is an easy-to-use UC platform, which allows you to manage all of your communications. Zulu is compatible with IOS or Android devices or common PC Operating systems.

Unified Messaging (Wikipedia)

Unified messaging (or UM) is a business term for the integration of different electronic messaging and communications media (e-mail, SMS, fax, voicemail, video messaging, etc.) technologies into a single interface, accessible from a variety of different devices. While traditional communications systems delivered messages into several different types of stores such as voicemail systems, e-mail servers, and stand-alone fax machines, with Unified Messaging all types of messages are stored in one system. Voicemail messages, for example, can be delivered directly into the user's inbox and played either through a headset or the computer's speaker. This simplifies the user's experience (only one place to check for messages) and can offer new options for workflow such as appending notes or documents to forwarded voicemails.

Unified messaging is increasingly accepted in the corporate environment, where it's generally seen as an improvement to business productivity. Unified messaging for professional settings integrates communications processes into the existing IT infrastructure, i. e. into CRM, ERP and mail systems.

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