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Queue Call Spy

Queue Call Spy is a call-monitoring function that lets you enter an existing phone call. To listen passively without interrupting the ongoing call or notifying either of the callers. Spy is one of three possible modes and is usually used by a Manager to monitor sales...

Queue Call Recording

Queue Call Recording gives you the ability to record some or all of the calls in from each phone in you’re queue. Recordings are stored in the cloud so they can be accessed from...

QoS Quality of Service

QoS Quality of Service is a protocol used to prioritize important specific outbound traffic. In Voice over IP, this is a Router-based standard. Which prioritizes call quality when both voice and data are using the same network. Key measurements of QoS include jitter,...


Private Branch Exchange or PBX. A private telephone network which is used by businesses to connect internal office phones to the...


Plain Old Telephone System or POTS. The standard analog-signal telephone service is employed by homes and businesses. Signals are transmitted over copper wiring, as opposed to non-POTS service that is typically transmitted across digital connections. See PSTN.

Paperless Fax

Paperless Fax is another term for Fax to Email. Bridging the technological gap between then and now, you can scan a paper document and fax it directly from your computer. You can also fax documents created on your computer. Often still used in the medical community...


Public Switched Telephone Network or PSTN. The traditional, circuit-switched telephone network. This system uses copper-wire telephone lines to convey analog or digital voice signals. PSTN sets up a dedicated channel between two points for the duration of your...

Porting Numbers

Porting Numbers is the ability to transfer your current number from your existing Carrier (LEC). Sending your number to your new service provider. See LNP for more porting...


Provisioning is similar to a pre-programming process. Telecom companies will generally provision phones in advance of installation. This enables a fast turn around for system installation as the system is already programmed. As phones are an essential service,...